How will the complete mismanagement of COVID 19 impact on Bali over the next few months?

So right from the onset of this pandemic the government and in particular the Minister of Health was in some kind of denial about it’s potential impact. Indonesia would in some way be immune to this virus, God will protect Indonesia from this virus. Drinking Jammu a drink made from tumeric would possibly cure COVID 19. Reporting no cases of the virus for many weeks when neighbour countries had hundred if not thousands of infections that is until people who visited Indonesia and returned home found out they caught the virus while on holiday. Yes so much for immunity and amazing boarded testing, more likely a total lack of sufficient reporting. Then when the virus started to spread, they response was pray harder. Like that has ever worked.

These were all preached by the Minister of Health who now is nowhere to be seen on public Television. Wounder why? Combine this with massive under reporting, completely unreliable data, no national response to manage this crisis, no national lock down and in many places no lock down at all. Can it get any worse? Off course, constantly tell people it’s all under control and the situation has been remarkably managed very well. Encourage people to travel, yes travel around Indonesia, off course we will test for COVID 19 prior to testing and off course screw up the testing. Lets embrace the new normal and just wear a mask and pretend the virus does not really exist any more. That is pretty much were Indonesia is at. Oh finally lets add in more scientific facts from the Governor of Bali, he stated arak, a local alcoholic drink could cure the virus. Yes we believe you, we believe you will say absolutely anything to get the economy moving again even it if is a complete fabrication and embarrassing. Amazing commitment.

No, the actions of the government have been purely to get the economy back to normal and make money for the rich and powerful. No real concern has been shown for the millions who could be potentially infected. So this is real situation, how will it impact on Bali?

Well very simply through complete mismanagement of this pandemic it will hurt Bali for many months. Regardless of what course was taken global tourism has been completely smashed along with most of Bali’s revenue but since the government made a decision to encourage people to travel domestically with many people coming to Bali from highly infected regions such as Surabaya and Jakarta they have opened Pandora’s box and we can expect the virus to spread out of control in Bali. Off course none of this will be reported or talked about domestically but the real problem is beyond Indonesia’ borders. Governments and scientists globally will and already have considered Indonesia and red zone, a country where COVID 19 has spread out of control, they wisely don’t believe the claims and figures of the Indonesian Government and suggested over one month ago there were over one million cases when the official figures were around 150000. So when the world slowly opens up countries like Indonesia which will be red zone countries and be excluded from trade tourism for a longer period of time and take longer to recover economically. This is the price you pay for prioritising the economy and the interested of the wealthy elites over the millions of lives who make up the majority of your population. Bali and Indonesia will take a very long time to recover so don’t rush to book a massage with us in the near future. .


Julia Perez: A Role Model to Millions of Young Indonesian Women

Julia Perez a role model to Indonesian women
Julia Perez doing what she does best, using her sexuality to gain power and money

Julia Perez was simply a woman who knew what she had and was not ashamed to use it and flaunt it. Julia came from humble beginnings like many women in Indonesia and was expected to conform to societal norms but that was not her path and she has encouraged millions of women in Indonesia to embrace their sexuality and femininity to break free from misogynistic cultural and religious repression.

Julia was a very attractive woman and used her asserts to gain fortune and fame. The path was not easy, she frequently clashed with religious nut-jobs and misogynistic pigs who wanted to keep women like her in their place but she was not one to take a backward step. She had great looks and a hole and was going to utilises these assets to their full extent.

Julia made many movies and was an entertainer in public and also very opinionated. She would frequently flaunt her sexuality and encouraged young girls to embrace their sensual side and use their looks, sensuality and hole to make money and enjoy life. Julia was known to date many men especially westerners which infuriated insecure Indonesia men who did not agree with her conduct and more specifically her ability to influence young women to follow her example.

Julia was a party girl, an extrovert and a social light. Her image was one of a sexual woman who not only had many encounters in private but would publicly let people in the media and fans know what she was up to behind closed doors. The main point with Julia was she was reaching out to the average young Indonesian woman and encouraging them to be just like her. The message was loud and clear, use your hole to get what you want. A promotion, a guy, money use it if you have it and know how to use it. If you don’t know how to use your hole be a real woman and learn how instead of some slave who cooks food for a misogynistic pig.

As much of a role model as she was religious nut jobs and chauvinists absolutely hated her and Julia would openly let them know she did not care. Sadly receiving too much cock from too many men might have taken it’s toll on poor Julia’s hole, she eventually contracted cervical cancer and now this beautiful inspirational woman is top soil but her message lives on. Use your hole, it’s your power, go out there and get what you want.

Julia has inspired many women who work with us and if you want to enjoy their company in Bali with a sensual massage or more then make a booking.. This Chinese pandemic will be over soon and we will be back.

JULY 2020

The New Normal: Sandwiched between a Dangerous Pandemic and an Inept Government

Well it has not got better. In fact it is getting much much worse. The rate of infections are increasing massively and the number of people dying has increased massively. Neighbouring countries are actually improving but that is not the case here, it’s getting out of hand. Why is COVID 19 getting worse in this country, who is to blame?

I would point the figure in one direction, the government response. It has been a joke. No lock-down, they just did not bother. No national response, let the regional governors sort out this mess. No leadership, let a spokesperson speak on behalf or the President and Minister of Health, where are they hiding? Encouraging people to pray, that means they will still go to places of worship, that’s the best thing to help the virus spread yet that has been the advise from day one and that is what you can expect when unqualified people get into government positions, completely illogical decisions.

Now for the latest rhetoric, “we will develop a cure for the virus”. Yeah sure you will, I really believe you will a month or two after they have globally discovered a cure and that could be many months from now. It’s just talk, talk from a government that has actually made little or no real attempt to combat this virus. The plan has been to hid the figures by under-reporting and get the population back to work as soon as possible. Lets now ease restrictions when it is getting worse…..illogical and expected.

So in the next month of so when this pandemic continues to worsen expect the government to echo, “it’s the new normal” lets all move forward. They are just masking the truth, they have completely failed. They did not even try they, just want poor people to go back to work and if they are exposed to this virus, oh well we have lots more people to take their place. Maybe you can enjoy a massage with a happy ending while wearing an astronuats helmet.

This mindset will be their undoing in a few months time. The country will be categorised as a high risk place to travel, the citizens will be banned from entering other countries and their will be a lack of commercial flights. Anyone who returns from a holiday will most likely have to go into quarantine for 14 days when returning to their country of origin. Who wants that at the end of a holiday. No this will hurt them economically and the virus will just continue to spread. Tourism will be smashed.

You might be able to fool your own population but you will not be able to fool citizens and governments of neighbouring countries.

Your attempts to massively under-report and hid the figures will only hurt your country. What is worse? A global pandemic or a completely useless government” I would suggest the latter.