get these girls to give you a lovely blow job or happy ending massage in Canggu

So you are in Canggu and after a happy ending massage with a hand or blow job

Canggu was once not to long ago a very peaceful and picturesque please, today it is a very busy place.  Unlike Kuta Canggu is short of Aussie Bogans and is seen as a more upmarket place.  Canggu is full or Russians who happen to be the friendliest and most happy people, they cannot stop smiling.  Yes, sarcasm.   In truth it is alot more classy than Kuta and there are alot of European people who either holiday, stay long term or live in Canggu.  There are also some really good restaurants and the beaches are cleaner than Kuta. If you are in the area be sure to book a happy ending massage complete with a pleasurable blow job.

So you are after a nice hand or blow job or maybe a nice massage complete with a happy ending in Canggu.  Where does one find such relaxation and pleasure.  Well stay away from the Russian girls, they are overpriced and not that pleasing.  The last thing you want is to after a nice time with a Russian girl is to hear a knock on the door only to open it and be confronted by 4 scary looking cossacks demanding one thousand dollars.  Yes these things actually do happen.  A golden rule is, if you are after a happen ending massage or blow job stick with the local girls.

Now in Canggu even the locals are a bit more up market and may start charging a ridiculous price, why because idiots with more money than brains from Europe will pay for it.  There is no shortage of women working the beat and fools paying foolish prices.  Ultimately if you are on holiday you goal is to have fun and enjoy your time in Bali.  We however take an ethical approach, we like your dollar or rupiah to go as far as practical and believe in charging a reasonable price whilst delivering a quality service.  Being Caucasian or white will also have advantages.  Indonesia girls have a strong preference for white guys, they have money and pretty cocks so I am told.  They also find the foreskin interesting as most males in Indonesia are cut.  Arab Chinese and India guys will have a harder time due to a poor reputation, now I am saying it is harder but not impossible, we look after all types.  So if you are in Canggu and after a blow job or happy ending massage save yourself alot of grief and contact us

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