June 2020

Fudging the Figures will not cure COVID 19

So the Covid 19 Crissis has been completely miss mannaged and this pandemic is going to get worse and worse while many neighbouring counrties have successfully flatterned the curve and their numbers are decreasing. Am I suprised, absolutely not. It was mismanaged before the crisis even began.

No lock down, no unified national approach to tackle this problem, complete changes in the approach to deal with this problem from one week to another. People still going to mosques and then finally advised that they should consider not going to a mosque and no policing or enforcement or even a definition of social distancing. Just a very poor attempt to deal with this Covid 19 crisis. Combine this with extremely poor leadership and a completely incompetent Health Minister who believed that the Nation was immune to the virus and all that was required was to pray to God. So no, I am not surprised that this is a complete mess.

The Official Figures in Bali are All Wrong

The main concern with the current administration is not to defeat or even fight the pandemic, it is all about keeping face. Not looking completely incompetent. The results coming out on the number of cases and deaths are massively wrong and I mean completely fudged. Their is mass under-reporting. The most important requirement to fight this virus is to track how many people have contracted the virus and how many have died. There is a complete lack of reporting on the cases and deaths. Is this deliberate? Who knows but when the agenda is to keep face anything is possible. The actual figures could be more than 20 times the official reports. The real numbers would be comparable to India and Brazil who currently lead the world with number of infections and deaths but we will never know, at least not in the near futures. Their object was never to fight the pandemic, it was to all about keeping face so they will keep on fudging the figures and massively under-report on cases and deaths. It will not help fight the pandemic, hiding a problem won’t make it go away. When will Bali be safe to visit? Not for a very long time.

May 2020

In A Time of Crisis you soon know the competency and worth of your politicians

People will get the government they deserve, Joseph de Maistre came up with this notion and I am convinced he is absolutely correct. More relevant to the situation today I am a firm believer that a global crisis such as a pandemic is a test for any government. I am not really interested in politics or criticising any individuals or governments so I speak in general terms if critical and more specific if complimentary.

Well I have to say many countries around the world have been tested and are doing extremely well thanks to good governments and leaders. The challenge has been great sadly so has the death toll in countries around the globe but so many politicians have shows their leadership, resourcefulness and ability to perform under pressure. In stark contrast we have seen in countries very close to home the absolute opposite. We have witnessed politicians and governments make an extreme effort to pretend, that’s right pretend to fight this global pandemic.

Certain governments and politicians have resorted to insinuating their country is immune to the pandemic due to the tropical and humid conditions of their country. None of this had any scientific basis even when neighbouring countries with the same environmental conditions were reporting the outbreak. Some politicians would try to convince the masses that they are yet again in some way immune to this pandemic because of their faith in God and if they continued to pray to God then they would all be protected. Once again with absolutely no scientific evidence that a God exists let alone care about one of the most destructive species on the planet, humans. Some politicians have bragged and boasted they had zero cases of the pandemic when neighbouring countries were reporting a sharp increase in cases. They were just too good, too effective with their quarantining measures. No, they simply were not doing testing, well less than one person per million, hence no reports of the pandemic. Yes these type of responses are typical of a government that is doing a great job and pretending to fight the pandemic.

They the complete fudging of the figures, where would we be without distorting the numbers. A certain government at the onset of hearing the virus was spreading in their country still reported no deaths, wow. No deaths that’s amazing. Off course it was too good to be true. Apparently the hospitals where patients had died did not report the deaths to the governments and that’s why the death toll suddenly jumped from zero to a few hundred. It was the fault of the doctors and medical professionals for not telling the government, yeah right.

The best way to fudge figures is simply to massively under report all the cases by not testing enough and all the deaths by simply not filling in the cause of death on the death certificate. That’s all one needs to do to continue to look good. Unfortunately the WOW, neighbouring countries and anyone with half a brain won’t believe this crap but strangely enough most people in this particular country will because they are brainwashed and stupid.

So now that the figures have been fudged lets hide from the cameras and get spokes people to talk on the governments behalf and not answer any questions. Yes one way communication. Let’s have no national approach to solving this pandemic, lets get the local governors to manage this situation and in a few months when it is completely out of control we will have someone to blame. Awesome we have scapegoats. Finally when the death toll is in the thousands lets have no lock-down, who needs a lock-down.

You get the picture. Countries like Singapore, UK, Italy, Spain, Malaysia New Zealand and Australia have all dealt with this pandemic and are still dealing with it but the effort and steps taken have been truly amazing. These countries, while not politically perfect have the right people to lead them though this crisis. These countries have truly got the governments they deserved and very fine ones indeed. Meanwhile in other courtiers some government officials think women can be impregnated from seamen if they swim in a pool a man has swam in. Yeah speechless. Just remember you too will get the government you deserve. When the world returns to normality we can stop talking about politics and relax with a happy ending massage and visit Bali again.

April 2020

I’m Sucking On A Cherry But I Would Rather Suck On You

Well sometimes the strangest things happen out of the blue. Bali a bustling and vibrant tourist destination is now like a ghost town and it is not just Bali. Destinations, cities and countries all over the world are in complete or semi shut down. Who would have guessed this would have happened when we were all celebrating on new years day a few months back.

The world as we know it is on pause, for how long is really unknown but girls in Bali have nothing to suck on and that means no money. We crave big pink western sausage and now all we are left with is the small brown mutilated variety. No thanks and no way.

It’s not just the girls, the whole island is empty and no one is making money. All the plush restaurants, bars, cafes, boutique shops, they are all sufferings and we are all pondering upon the same questions. When will this end and when will tourism pick up.

The answer is very unclear at this stage as the pandemic has not really kicked in but it has had a massive negative impact on the local economy and this impact will remain for the rest of 2020. How can it possibly get better? People all over the world have lost money and people are still scared to travel. It is one thing to get through this bitter storm but it is another thing altogether for an economy to u turn and for tourism to pick up. It could be worse, people globally are dying so lets priorities. Health is number one.

Many nations around the world are imposing travel restrictions, many air carriers are cancelling flights so the services industry and more specifically the tourism industry globally has been completely smashed. What are people to do, simple live cheap, live real cheap at least till the new year. Some like myself who reside in Singapore can rely on a competent and responsible Government for support and a plan. Others who live in Bali and other developing countries with inept governments will have to endure these hard times but at least the daily expenses are affordable.

The most important thing right now is to practice social distancing and this means being by yourself for the time being. So one great way to pass the time is to surf your favourite websites with some hand cream lotion near by and enjoy distressing knowing that in a few weeks you will be able to practice what you are watching and that is a comforting thought. If you are a girl remember to stock up on those batteries as they will be drained after a few hours of pleasure.

It is not that bad spending time with ones self and pleasing ones self, now is the ideal time to make the most of the situation. We are all in the same boat regardless of the country we are in so we can all relate. It can be tough, us girls cannot get our favourite protein shake fresh from the source, we are used to getting a few servings throughout the day. How well, once this is over and things return to normal you know exactly where to go if you happen to be in Bali and require a sensual massage. I guess for now I will have to just suck on some fruit.