December 2019

Natural Oral is Essential and A Sign of Respect in Bali

One of my girlfriends confessed she gives her boyfriend a blow job with a condom. I initially though she was joking and did not take her comment seriously. Then I soon realised she was serious. I was shocked. I would never give oral with a condom. I asked her why she gave oral with a condom and her response was even more suprinsing, she said she has always done it that way and will not change. No suprise her boyfriend soon broke up with her and this is a common issue with her. She can’t keep her man for very long.

I was compelled to give friendly advise. I asked her it she has ever had guys go down on her and off course she said yes. I asked her it they used a plastic bag over private parts when performing oral on her and she said no, touch on clit. Then she say the double standards. I gave her a dose of friendly and honest advise. I told her she needs to stop insulting her partners and show they respect. Oral with a condom is a slap in the face or any red blooded man. Further more I and many of my female friends believe swallowing is the ultimate sign of respect and a way to keep a man satisfied again and again. Swallowing shows your man you will do anything for him and welcome his load in it’s rightful place. If you are an asian lady as I am and want to get with a white guy this is even more so important, it is an expectation. When a guy goes down on a girl, there is an expectation. Touch on clit, nothing in the way. So ladies wake up, when you blow your guy make sure you show him respect. Natural oral and swallowing are expected.

Now for the great news. If you are on holiday in Bali and want a relaxing sensual massage with a happy ending we practise what we preach so oral is natural and feel free to unload in the mouth otherwise the therapist will be disappointed and thing you have not had fun.

November 2019

Facials are the ultimate sign of respect

Many guys enjoy climaxing of their partners face or mouth. Why? It’s just sexy and visually and physically very satisfying. It’s not rocket science, if people, lots of people are doing it then their must be a reason and that reasons is not overly complicated. Now this may come as a surprise but women also love it when a guy blows his load all over their face or in their mouth. Their man has climaxed and his has left his mark, it is a sign of total satisfaction.

Now some people think this is disgusting or disrespectful, we don’t care much about those people. There world is full of angry and jealous people who cant have full erections or get wet and lubricated. That is their problem and if they are upset that people enjoy sensual experiences then we simply don’t care. I am a woman and have enjoy multiple partners and if they don’t finish on my face or in my mouth I will assert my female dominance and give them a hard kick. I expect to taste my partners DNA, their is nothing more fulfilling.

It is 2019 and when people are together their should always be respect so it’s time for us girls to show our partners the highest level or respect and allow them the privilege of unloading on us. Now for some very interesting trivia, seamen is actually very good for the skin so don’t thing it is some kind of poisonous acid. Now off course if you are parting with money for some oral pleasure with one of our therapists be assured they not only expect but will look forward to you depositing in their mouth or face. It is somewhat liberating to discuss and share this information with you. Be sure to check out our prices if you want a happy ending massage and are in Bali

September 2019

Ban Sex no Ban stupid religious zealots

I have long suspected people who become ultra prudish and use religion to stop people expressing their sensuality have some very serious inadequacy.  Maybe, it does not work, they cannot have an erection, or the moisture has all dried up and sexual pleasure is impossible.  They end up becoming jealous and hate what they can no longer experience and go on some crusade to ensure everyone must be miserable like them.

I think it is an outrage that a government, a very feeble government all too frequently yields to the demands of ultra prudish religious fanatics who are extremely vocal, aggressive and act with fear and intimidation.  The problem is they are bullies and have been able to, in certain societies been aloud to intimidate bully and control.

It is 2019 and thankfully now I can see every action these zealots take will be very soon be met with and equally powerful action from the students.  Students are young, energised and will not be intimidated by these religious nut jobs who have a hatred for sexuality.  So I implore students in their tens of thousands to not protest against a flaccid government but turn your attention to the root cause of the problem.  You know who these radical groups who are, always angry, always offended and always using religion to get their way.  You know who the leaders of these prudish controlling groups are so in your tens of thousands go to their house in the early hours of the morning and take your protest to their doorstep.  Off course I believe in peaceful demonstration but all to often these groups who try to stamp on you at with intimidation and violence to be prepared to defend yourself and bully the bully on their their doorstep.

Life is short have fun and have sex with who you want when you want.  Perhaps one great day we won’t focus on banning sex with non married couples and instead consider it’s time to ban long gone beliefs written thousands of years ago that are followed without question.  If you are in Bali and want a blow job feel free to contact us.   And if you are offended get a life.