Feb 2019


Well the short answer is no. Wait well yes and no. I have a preference as a woman and that is an uncut cock. This is however a personal preference. If you have sex with an uncut guy and a cut guy and they both wear condoms then they will feel the same. If you take off the condom their is a difference in the way a cut and uncut cock will feel. My preference is definitely for the uncut cock. Is simply slides in a lot easier. The foreskin retracts on entry and it is just easier to get in.

Obviously the cut cock is cleaner and has no odor but the uncut cock can be clean if washed recently. Uncut cocks do have an odor but no way as strong as a woman’s pussy. Basic hygiene takes care of this problem.  I recently had a threesome with my girlfriend and another guy who was cut, his cock had a very strong odor but that was because he has just come out of my friends hole.  If you stick your finger in that will also smell if it has been up a hole.

Visually a cut and uncut cock that is retracted as seen in the picture below look every similar and both are appealing however I think the uncut cock looks more interesting. An uncut cock with the foreskin rolled over the glans however does not look very appealing. Once again these are personal opinions.

I will say that jerking off an uncut guy and giving them a blow job is much more easy and more fun as well. Guys that are uncut from my personal experience are usually more sensitive as well. Nature indented cocks to have foreskin so why mess with that because you belong to a stupid religion. My preference is uncut all the way but if your stupid parents gave you the snip there is not real major different so be happy with what you have got. Are you in Bali and require a blow job or happy ending massage? You know who to contact.

Jan 2019


Women of color and Asian women if they had a preference to screw a guy what guy would come to their mind.  Guess what it is not a guy from their ethnic group.  Research indicates that is way too boring.  When I girl is after wild sex, sneaky dirty sex she has a strong preference to go for something different.  Something that is taboo and seek out a man not from her ethnic group.  It’s more fun but their are biological evolutionary factors at work here.

Woman are attracted to the dominant male.  The conqueror, the provider, the protector. They are after the victor, the champion.  Now this is not politically correct but which ethnic group has gone around and pretty much dominated the whole globe. That would be Europeans, more specifically Northern Western Europeans.

Women of color and Asian women find these men very attractive physically.  Tall, muscular well proportioned lean and far more imposing than men of their ethic group.  The perception is they are physically more capable and able to protect and overpower other males.  This is a massive turn on for a women who genetically wants to reproduce with the most dominant male.  Then there is the sex.  The ideal screw partner has the package.  Women of color and Asian women find it an incredible turn on the be penetrated by a big white cock.  Well a white to pink cock to be specific.  Look at the image below and ask yourself could a Chinese or Indian or Mexican guy match this image in the bedroom.  Hell no!!!  And there you have it.  That is why so many unmarried ethnic and Asian women creep with white guys.


People know Kuta to be a cheap place to hand out and drink lots of alcohol.  Yes that is correct, that is why people goto this dive of a place.  It is full of tacky souvenirs that are massively marked up and no longer a bargin.  In fact I know many places in Singapore that are cheaper.  The area also attracts lots for Bogans “rednecks from Australia” who are after some cheap food and cheap women.  Brown girls love white cock, and in Kuta there are plenty of brown girls and plenty of white cock.  No be very careful, there are plenty of massage parlours offering a happy ending massage or hand job or blow job but most are just a complete waste of time.  To get this type of service the parlour will have to pay off corrupt officials in uniforms “you know the type” who are consumed by greed and add zero value.  So who pays for this, you do the consumer.  There is a better way, contact us and we will ensure you get your dick sucked and stroked for a very good price that is extremely satisfying.  The service is in the privacy of your own villa/hotel and you just have to pay one person, the girl providing the service.

Kuta the place for a happy ending massage, blow job or hand relief.  Time to enjoy paradise.

If you came to Kuta and did not experience the below for well under $100 you did not really come to Bali.  Don’t miss out, before you head off to the airport get on that Plane back to where ever you have come from make your you experience the wonders of the Island.  Cold beer and let the professional unzip your pants and go to work.