The Not So Innocent Foot Massage Well it is not the first time we have talked about foot massages. On several occasions we have drawn parallels between getting a foot massage and a hand job. Their isn’t really much of a difference they both feel great are health promoting and well are very pleasurable. Like …
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June 2019
Large Vagina Lips Hot or Gross. Many people in particular women consider large pussy lips to be disgusting and an absolute turn off. Men are more varied in their preference some think its attractive and a turn on while others find it off putting. Some women show off their lips and add ear rings and …
Feb 2019
CUT VS UNCUT COCK IS THEIR A DIFFERENCE FROM A WOMAN’S PERSPECTIVE ? Well the short answer is no. Wait well yes and no. I have a preference as a woman and that is an uncut cock. This is however a personal preference. If you have sex with an uncut guy and a cut guy …