The Not So Innocent Foot Massage

Well it is not the first time we have talked about foot massages.   On several occasions we have drawn parallels between getting a foot massage and a hand job.  Their isn’t really much of a difference they both feel great are health promoting and well are very pleasurable.

Like the genitals the feet and toes are loaded with nerve endings so touching and caressing the toes and feet feel very pleasurable.  The toes and feet have nerves that connect to the spinal cord and other parts of the body.  Reflexology is a practice where by massaging certain areas of the foot is believed to cure the body of ailments.  This practice is controversial but many swear by it.

What we do know is that by massaging the toes and other parts of the feet can produce a very pleasurable and sensual feeling.  It is different for each person but for example we had one client state that massaging his forth toe up and down was producing a similar sensation receiving a hand job.  Another person stating that massaging the soft area in the middle of the sole of the foot was deeply pleasurable.

Why does this occur.  Well because this area of the body has thousands of never endings as previously stated and these nerves are like the roots of a tree, they run deep through the body and are very sensitive to both pleasure and pain.

So when customers receive a deep food massage they may be experiencing deep pleasure and may even climax.  Other areas of the body that produce a similar response area the hands and figures and spinal area.  They like the feet and toes are loaded with nerve endings that respond to touch.

The body can be tuned to experience pleasure it is not just the genital area than produces a pleasurable sensation when caressed so be brave be bold and allow our therapists to explore your body and create bliss.

Published by Vixxxen

I am the author and am passionate about writing material related to this website as we all live a little pleasure and fun. Hope you enjoy Bali and our service.

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