The is nothing better than for a stressed woman to experience the wonders of yoni massage therapy. I’m old school and can remember the hit song ‘Girls just want to have fun,’ by Madonna. I believe women should be able to have fun and receive pleasure exactly in the same way men have done for several millennia. This is why I encourage any women who plan to visit Bali to try our Yoni massage therapy.

So what exactly is Yoni massage therapy?

Yoni is a form of tantric massage specifically for women. It is tantric in nature, so let’s expand on this. It involves stimulating both sensitive and sensual erogenous regions of the body. Ideally an orgasmic may occur but is not essential. The mere act will provide psychological and physical benefits. Reduced stress, tension as well as better biological wellbeing such as lower blood pressure or even a better nights sleep may occur.

Yoni is for women, the male equivalent is Lingam.

This process involves a participant and one therapist. We can organise two therapists to be present if you desire. There is a male version of Yoni which is just as ancient and has also attracted societal taboo over the ages. It is called the Lingam massage and is fantastic for men to also experience pleasure without a feeling of guilt or being dirty. We are not concerned with the opinions of narrow-minded people and nor should you, regardless of your gender.

Let Yoni empower your femininity

So Yoni massage therapy is specific for women and my belief is women have been oppressed thanks to misogynistic cultures and theologies for far too long. There has sadly been a great deal of taboo with regards to women engaging in sensual activity. With Yoni massage therapy, it is a statement. Women have the right to now simply book an appointment with us and let the therapist create a sense of deep relaxation and pleasure for them.

Men are not part of this process and simply don’t need to be unless you would like your male partner to join in. This is most definitely welcome. What is not welcome is any interference from corrupt local authorities and enforcement agencies. They are completely left out of the process, you are completely free to enjoy privacy and security.

Woman on Woman therapy

A woman has a much better understanding of another woman’s body than a man. This is why we encourage you to take a Yoni massage from a female therapist. Once again, women pleasuring women across time has been socially unacceptable by many. Who cares about them. This is about you and self-exploration.

It is private and confidential, when better to engage in this activity than on holiday in Bali. It’s your time, your moment so experiences something new that is beneficial to both your mental and physical wellbeing. Completely guilt-free and much 100% natural. This is the way nature intended we manage stress and experience pleasure so when this pandemic finally ends feel free to contact us and experience this amazing service.

Published by Vixxxen

I am the author and am passionate about writing material related to this website as we all live a little pleasure and fun. Hope you enjoy Bali and our service.

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