Finally It’s 2021 Time to Embrace a much Better Year and say Goodbye to a Dreadful one
Well we can all agree on one thing, 2020 was a very strange and unplesant year. The Chinese pandemic has reached all parts of the globe and infected tens of millions. It has impacted on everyones lives but there is good news. Very good news, its 2021. We are ready for a change and back to normality. It’s coming. There is not one vaccine, there are many vaccines, our scientics, viroligists, our best and brightest minds have done it. They have been able to beat this aweful Chinese pandemic. We are still here, we are still breathing and that means in a short time we can get immunised and return to normal life.
I know you want to come back to Bali. I know you want to get on an air plane without fear of breathing in someones COVID 19 germs in the recycled air. I know you want to actually go to a resturant of bar again with freaking out because the person behind you sneazed or coughed. It not too long before we can all relax and enjoy the simple pleasures again. I have to say, its been a humbeling experience. We have all been brought down a peg or two and it was probably needed but we have all endured enough and the end of this dreadful situation is near. The light at the end of the tunnel is bright. There is one peace of infomtion I must share with you.
Make sure you get vacinatied before coming to Bali
That right. We want you to be safe. The Government in Indonesia and Bali has basically ignored the pandemic. They have only focused on the economy and as expected placed human lives last. That’s is to be expected, not a suprise at all. So the situation here is so bad they have been underreporting the pandemic, if they did the same amount of testing as America they would have the same if not more cases. However there is no need to panic, just get the vaccine.

I also need to be pragmatic, I am writing this in January, Bali will not open for perhaps a few months and international travel will not normalise for a few months. Whilst being positive I would write off the first three months of 2021 and in the second quarter I would expect things to improve fairly rapidly. By mid year I would expect life to be back to normal and international travel should be back on the agenda. Now it would be no fun at all meeting one of our lovely ladies and wearing a mask or being scared to touch each otehr. So once again, make sure you get your vaccination.
In truth it has been a year of mass stupidity, selfish behaviours, a mass lack of empathy for the greater good, a year filled with disinformation and more specifically mass social fake news. Not wearing a mask has become a political statement and a significant amount of people in Indonesia and Bali and wear a mask on their chin or not wearing a mask at all. Some are wearing a mask then taking it off to have a conversation. Am I surprised no. The average IQ in Indonesia is 86 so I would expect mass stupidity. from the people and absolute incompetence from the government and that is exactly what I have seen. But the good news is this mess is nearly over. Soon we will be back in business and you can call us for a massage that is sensual relaxing and you can if you are a guy you can blow your load or if you are a woman you can gush your juice into one of our lovely therapists mouths.